Past programmes
The Euskampus Knowledge Hub Community is set up as an ecosystem of knowledge and innovation, based on the co-creation between different players as a main driving force.
The Euskampus Knowledge Hub Community
The Euskampus Knowledge Hub Community aims to provide answers to social and global challenges through cooperative (transdisciplinary, multi-agent) training, research and innovation actions.
Within the Knowledge Hub dynamics, Euskampus is committed to promoting and supporting cooperation between the University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU, Tecnalia and the DIPC, as well as agents from universities, technology centres, research centres, biomedical Institutes, business stakeholders and civil society, across four main lines:
- Connection between stakeholders
- Strengthening of international postgraduate research and training programmes
- Support for new researchers
- Transfer and dissemination to society
Two complementary lines have also been considered:
- Support for initial collaborations (budding relationships and emerging projects with a high potential for excellence, internationalisation and transfer).
- Coordination with the Administration to foster research and innovation policies.
6 areas of knowledge through 6 Hubs:
The Euskampus Knowledge Hub Community is focused on 6 areas of knowledge through 6 Hubs:

Data Sciences

Renewable Offshore Marine Energies

Sustainable and Healthy Land

Health Sciences and Technologies

Industry 4.0

New Materials
These 6 Knowledge Hubs are fully aligned with the Priorities of the Basque Smart Specialisation Strategy. At the same time, these are areas of great potential for collaboration between clusters of excellence of the University of Bordeaux and its partners, within the framework of IdEx Bordeaux.
The role of Euskampus Fundazioa
Euskampus Fundazioa constantly and simultaneously fosters the emergence of ideas and common work lines, activates capacities and supports the Knowledge Hubs. To deploy and manage all this work, Euskampus Fundazioa has taken on the role of technical secretariat and stimulator, and coordinates the Knowledge Hub Community with a dual purpose:
- On one hand, it is the driver of the Community and more specifically, it is responsible for working with researchers from the participating institutions through co-creation methodologies to establish the strategic frameworks and the action agendas, as well as following up, monitoring and evaluating the Hubs.
- On the other, it operates as an “investment partner” which manages an Investment Fund. This fund is managed as a seed capital fund to foster and accelerate the performance of the actions planned by the Hubs, the returns of which will be the balanced scorecard indicators from the participating institutions.
This investment fund acts as a source of secondary funding with the dual objective of:
- Facilitating the attraction of competitive public funding.
- Completing the competitive public funding with ad hoc actions that are not covered by existing funding instruments.