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ENLIGHT European University lighthouse reinterpreted by Lorena Delgado, Postdoctoral researcher at The Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases (IMN), Bordeaux, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France.

Impact assessment is a practice that is growing in relevance worldwide. More and more organisations are analysing their impacts with the objective of getting evidence, understanding and demonstrating the value of their contributions, in particular, contributions to society. In the Higher Education context, impact is also becoming a higher priority both at the EU and global levels. The ENLIGHT Impact Conference, held last 29-31 March at Bizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao, brought international leading impact experts in – and outside the academic ecosystem to exchange and discuss approaches for embedding impact within Universities full spectrum of activities, being in education, in research, in innovation or in societal engagement related activities. 

Moreover, we had the chance to meet the 5  “Impact Ambassadors” of this European university alliance. The ENLIGHT Impact Awards, announced on the last day of the conference, seeked to recognize and give visibility to research endeavors at ENLIGHT universities that are exemplars in planning for and achieving impact. 

Learn more about this international conference and Euskampus projects updating in the following lines…

Euskampus Bordeaux Campus

Challenge Based Learning i3 - 3. mintegia
Gaur ostiralean, apirilak 21ean, 3. workshopa martxan dago Hendaiako Borderline Fabrikan. Bi unibertsitateetako (UPV/EHU eta Université de Bordeaux) lantaldeak, ekonomia zirkularraren, itsasoko energia berriztagarrien eta ozeanoa plastikoen bidez kutsatzearen erronkei erantzuteko proiektu kolektiboak egiten dituztenak, elkartu dira, oraingoan aurrez aurre, elkarlanean lan egiten jarraitzeko.

Gehiago jakin
En savoir plus
ENLIGHT Impact Conference, Making of video

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