• Newskampus

Newskampus Juin 2019

Connect and Co-create
Editor's note

There comes at a time when a refreshing of our channels of communication provokes a desirable and deliberate call for attention. It is our aim,  in this renewed newsletter, to provide you with updated information related to our main activities, beginning with the TOP STORIES, where you will find what is going on in the community of the Poles of Knowledge, Euskampus-Bordeaux and Taylor-cut programmes.

It will be followed by our AUTONOMOUS UNITS and a selection of news about the members of our Board of Trustees (Euskampus Patronato).  In the mentioned order of appearance, you will find a handful of the most interesting/relevant pieces of information that will lead to other you may find while gliding across links.

Scientific research, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development, 
and science dissemination are some of the issues you can read about in this revived newsletter.

And  last but not least, the FEATURED EVENTS, amongst which we want to draw your attention to a variety of three. Finally, some reading to reflect on: the second delivery of the post on multilingualism in our Blog.

Enjoy the ride!
Igor Campillo
Executive Director of Euxkampus Fundazioa


 Les atouts du partenariat basco-bordelais pour les appels à projets collaboratifs en santé. 

Sur invitation des Cellules Europe des établissements d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche des campus bordelais, Euskampus Fundazioa a participé à une journée d’information le 27 mai dernier autour des prochains appels à projets (AAP) collaboratifs européens dans le domaine de la santé.


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