We celebrate this international day with an initiative that embraces the open science collaboration based on finding new ways to treat human diseases but at the same time improve human relations between the diverse world cultures.
The formation of bonds between different atoms results in molecules with novel properties. Similarly, the encounter of different faiths and cultures leads to new vistas and human progress if peaceful and driven by mutual interest and open exchange. Scientific collaboration is based on common scientific interests and the free exchange of techniques and ideas, and thus ideally suited to build bridges between people of different origins. Scientific research, which is aimed at improving health care for the well-being of humanity is a fundamental need that transcends cultures and religious beliefs and will build trust and cooperation.
The Science Bridge, a non-profit, peace-building humanitarian endeavor with a unique approach to engage scientists from different cultures and nations to collaborate on specific scientific research themes.
How do we manage to bring together Middle-Eastern and Western Worlds, so apart when tensions are running high between these diverse world cultures? By focusing for example on what we all have in common as human race, namely a desire for knowledge, progress and eradication of disease, making positive contribution to science but also to human relations with open armas to cultural diversity and inclusion, the first step to embrace other ways of thinking and visions of reality.
The initiative has been an idea of the researher Mazahir Hasan, from Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience. So far, The Science Bridge has received the endorsement of more than 200 scientists in the world, including 29 Nobel Prizes.
Hasan has also contributed as main author, of a paper published on Neuron journal, where 122 scientist of 82 research institutions in 22 countries (including Spain) support science as a means to join cultures beyond political conflicts.
On our side, researchers from the UPV/EHU are also contributing to this initiative, where names such as Olga Peñagarikano's are actively taking part in disseminating this collaboration.
An international bet on cultural diversity aimed at improving science and human relations.
Main source The Science Bridge
Have a look at their core principles and learn more from their initiative.
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