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Thank you all for your participation in Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna!

The EUSKAMPUS-BORDEAUX EGUNA event was held at the Ignacio María Barriola centre of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Gipuzkoa Campus, with the participation of over 200 researchers from the Euskampus-Bordeaux Cross-border Campus promoted by the UPV/EHU and the University of Bordeaux, as well as managers and researchers at Tecnalia and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), the other two partners of the Euskampus project.

This event reflects the evolution of the Euro-regional Campus of International Excellence founded in 2014, which has resulted in multiple outcomes in the fields of education and research as well as networking for Basque Country and Nouvelle Aquitaine representatives. In fact, having completed the first four-year cycle, the University de Bordeaux and the UPV/EHU have signed today the re-drafted framework agreement between them, which sets forth more ambitious aims, in particular in relation to the joint internationalisation of the alliance.

The Rector of the UPV/EHU, Nekane Balluerka, believes “the Euskampus-Bordeaux Campus aims to become a true ‘mental territory’, a space where ideas and experiences can be shared and new projects take shape. In fact, I would say this is an original territory which is ours and is on the road to transcend the academic realm and become a solid instrument for social and cultural relations between Basque and Aquitaine societies”.

Moreover, Euskampus-Bordeaux Eguna is a framework fostering the establishment of two new Cross-border Joint Laboratories (LTC):

- LTC for mathematics and its applications – TRANSMATH, between the UPV/EHU, the Basque Centre of Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Tecnalia, the University of Bordeaux, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux (Bordeaux INP)

- LTC for cement-based materials science and technology – BASKRETE, between the UPV/EHU, the DIPC, the Basque Centre for Macromolecular Design and Engineering(POLYMAT), the Basque Material Physics Centre (MPC), Tecnalia, the Spanish Council for Scientific Research(CSIC), the University of Bordeaux and the CNRS.

These two new LTCs are added to the two existing ones: the LTC for Advanced Manufacturing – AENIGME and the LTC for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics at Quantum Scale – QuantumChemPhys.

Furthermore, an agreement for the creation of the new Joint Research Laboratory (JRL), in the field of environmental resistance against antibiotics has also been signed, with the collaboration of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Neiker-Tecnalia and the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3). Joint Research Laboratories differ from Cross-border Joint Laboratories in that only Basque bodies are involved.

In addition, during the Euskampus-Bordeaux Eguna, researchers showcased the new breakthroughs and challenges to be addressed in their Poles of Knowledge. These 6 Poles of Knowledge make up a knowledge and innovation ecosystem where members of academia, technology and research centres, bio-health institutes or the civil society can collaborate and research. Marine energy, health science and technology, Industry 4.0, healthy and sustainable territories, advanced materials and the digital transformation are the 6 scopes of work where the Poles of Knowledge operate.

Finally, a group of PhD students co-tutored between the UPV/EHU and the University of Bordeaux presented their research projects following the format of the French competition “My Thesis in 180 Seconds”. This dissemination format may be compared to the renowned outreach format, elevator pitch, where each student, in this case, presents a brief summary of their doctoral thesis in less than three minutes. The group of students receive training and practice for a month in order to comply with this demanding format and make the most of the short time available for communication. The thesis statements cover topics from pollution, neuroscience and polymers to nanoelectronics.

Euskampus-Bordeaux Campus

The Euro-regional Campus of International Excellence promoted by the UPV/EHU and the University of Bordeaux has not only obtained results in the academic realm, such as the creation of four joint PhD degrees, the presentation of 25 annual thesis by co-tutored students, and networking and launching initiatives of cross-border collaboration; but it has become a crucial asset for the development of the Euro-regional Basque Country-Nouvelle Aquitaine-Navarre Strategic Plan 2014-2020, as it is a shared cooperation space for training, research and transfer of knowledge, contributing to boost the consolidation of the Euro-region as an institution based on knowledge and its international expansion.

In addition, 27 scientific posters illustrating the work carried out during these years by the research teams in collaboration with the UPV/EHU and the University of Bordeaux were also exhibited.

The musical duet made up by Miguel Arribas, on tenor saxophone and David Cid, on piano, students at the Faculty of Music MUSIKENE, provided the entertainment for the event, playing compositions by Mikel Laboa, Claude Debussy and Guridi.

We hope this event can continue to promote networking and collaboration on both sides of the border and look forward to meeting you all next year at Euskampus-Bordeaux Eguna 2019.

Have a good journey and see you next time! 


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