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Missions, Mentoring a co-creation itinerary with Euskampus Missions project teams

The Mentoring Missions itinerary, whose main objective is to share a space for co-creation in which research teams develop a solid base of skills and knowledge that will facilitate  and amplify the transfer and  the impact of the results of their research to society in collectively identified mission areas.


The first Mentoring Missions session took place on June 8 at Tecnalia's headquarters in the MIRAMON Technology Park in Donostia-San Sebastian. The event was attended by 23 researchers from the UPV/EHU, University of Bordeaux and Tecnalia, all of them members of the projects submitted to the last Missions 1.0 call launched in 2021, as well as representatives of the Euskampus team leading this initiative.

Participants of the Missions Mentoring session

Among the objectives of this mentoring itinerary it is worth mentioning:

  • To provide directionality: To generate a portfolio of Euskampus missions and direct the cooperative R&I in that direction maximizing its social impact.
  • Encourage research talent: Provide spaces of opportunity for the promotion of research talent among students.
  • Generate impact culture: Raise awareness and provide knowledge and tools to introduce a methodology of social impact.
  • Develop collective responses: Co-create a scenario of gradual coordination of efforts and concerted collective responses for the defined missions.

Illustration of the Mentoring Missions itinerary


This was the first session of a total itinerary of 5 meetings to be held in the coming months. The aim of this first session was to get to know the Missions 1.0 projects, to generate a shared vision of the issues and challenges that concern us collectively and to design the map of key components for the Euskampus Missions 1.0. In this workshop, the interactive and collaborative platform Euskampus Digital was also presented, where the community will be able to subscribe to keep updated with new publications and news related to their projects as well as connected in order to create collaborative networks. This tool aims to be an instrument of connection and a collaborative work environment for the research community of Euskampus Fundazioa projects.

More information about Missions Euskampus.



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