• Actualidad

EuroSoTL 2019 Congress - Call for Papers

The University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea is pleased to be hosting EuroSoTL, the European Conference of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning on 13 and 14 June 2019. The conference is organised in conjunction with the European group of the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning –ISSOTL- and the Spanish Network of University Teaching - RED-U.

The conference will be held in the Basque Country, which is small in size but its treasures include speaking Europe's oldest language and its clear cultural identity. The conference will be held at Bizkaia Aretoa, which is located in the city centre and has rooms and spaces where the participants will be able to enjoy the setting, discuss new topics on teaching and learning in Higher Education and share international experiences.


We invite you to take part in this event by presenting your contribution.You can participate with an oral communication or a poster.

The abstracts (350 words) must be submitted before 20th January 2019 through the Conference website where you will find all the necessary information.

The main themes for the forthcoming conference are:

  1. Developing inquiry and research in undergraduate and post-graduate students.
  2. Experiences that stimulate student engagement.
  3. Emerging and unpublished experiences that foster insignificant and in-depth learning.
  4. The professional approach to teaching and learning as the objective of the professional development of academic staff.
  5. SoTL and the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030)

The EuroSoTL 2019 conference is a meeting point to share experiences to help improve teaching and learning processes and advance in professional development.

  • The best presentation will be awarded the Joanna Renc-Roe Prize.
  • All the participants will receive their participation certificate.
  • Linguistic diversity will be fostered: you can chose the language of your presentation (provided that the written medium is in English)
  • Free WiFi at the conference venue
  • Lunch on the 13th and coffee breaks
  • Conference dinner with views of the Bizkaia Transporter Bridge on the 13th

We look forward to seeing you in Bilbao!


Submission of proposals opens

October 20, 2018

Last day to submit proposals

January 20, 2019

Registration opens

January 20, 2019

Notification of accepted proposals

March 10, 2019

Last day for final text to proceedings for accepted proposals

March 30, 2019

Last day for registration

May 20, 2019


June 13-14, 2019


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