The 3rd annual teaching and learning conference of the European ENLIGHT alliance, on the theme of "Empowering Students for Tomorrow", was held on the Bastide campus of the University of Bordeaux from October 11 to 13. An enriching and stimulating experience for the 230 participants.
During the 3rd Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning of the European ENLIGHT Alliance, the workshop "Active Learning in Practice: the Cases of IMAGO & CBE i3" took place with the participation of Myriam Ali-oualla IMAGO project Université de Bordeaux, Olatz Zinkunegi UPV/EHU and Julieta Barrenechea Euskampus Fundazioa, CBE i3 project, continuity of the Ocean i3 cross-border project jointly developed by the UPV/EHU and the UB.
The participants had a very lively exchange and reflected a high enthusiasm for continuing to work with the CBE approach, a key line in ENLIGHT's commitment to transforming learning experiences. In the case of the CBE i3 project, the emphasis was placed on sharing with the other ENLIGHT member universities this experience that UPV/EHU and UB have been developing since 2018 and in which they involve in turn public and private socioeconomic agents of the cross-border territory they share.
In the case of the CBE i3 project, the emphasis was placed on sharing with the other ENLIGHT member universities this experience that UPV/EHU and UB have been developing since 2018 and in which they involve in turn public and private socioeconomic agents of the cross-border territory they share. A model of collaboration in T&L capable of transferring very interesting keys taking into account its high complexity : interuniversity, multidisciplinary, multicultural, multilingual and strongly oriented to real challenges of the territory.
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