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EIT Food Innovator Scholarship


Within the EIT Food  framework a live bet is being made on creating a community of the best researchers / entrepreneurs, so together with the University of Turin and the University of CambridgeAZTI has proceeded to launch a new EIT Food scholarship for Postdoctoral Fellows: the EIT Food Innovator scholarship (EIT Food-innof).

EIT Food-InnoF is a grant aimed at boosting the intellectual human capital of the food sector and preparing a new generation of entrepreneurial researchers in the food system, in any link of the value chain.

This one-year program aims to identify talents with creative and innovative potential who wish to expand their repertoire of skills through advanced training for the development of an innovative idea with impact on the food sector. The objective of EIT Food-InnoF is to empower talent to create, approach and gain experiences on excellent ideas capable of taking their careers a step further, towards  the starting up of companies.

Thank you for sharing this opportunity with anyone you think might be interested in participating.

 More information.


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