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Apply for "My voyage..." - Tutorial video

Tutorial video to apply for the call "My voyage aboard Euskampus Bordeaux Campus in 173 nautical miles".

New deadline to apply: October 24th!!

The next Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2022 will take place in Bordeaux on November 21 and 22. If you haven't registered yet, you can do it by filling in this form.

We encourage you to present your project/experience at the plenary session "My voyage on board Euskampus Bordeaux Campus". 

Have a look at  the video explaining how to submit your application before October 14th. 


We also invite you to create your profile on the Euskampus Digital platform, and  subscribe to the EBE 2022 channel. By doing so, you will be able to organize meetings with other participants, be updated to all the notifications related to the event and much more. 
If you end up selected to participate in "My voyage…", your stay in Bordeaux will be paid for by the organization.


Send us your application and tell us about your voyage! 


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