What are Missions?
Euskampus Missions
The Euskampus Missions programmes were created with the aim of creating a network of research, training and innovation capacities that will take part in coordinated actions to define specific missions in certain mission areas.
An Euskampus Mission is...
a collective response led by the Euskampus trustees, and coordinated with other institutions and actors, to achieve predefined goals that address a huge scientific, technological, environmental, cultural or economic challenge, or a mixture of them, through a coordinated agenda of education, research, knowledge transfer and dissemination actions.

Discover the projects
A programme to support and catalyse collaborative projects between Euskampus trustees and others that provide complementary capacities. Said projects have a high potential for scientific, technological, economic and social impact and are aimed at specific challenges related to the capacity to evolve towards more resilient, equitable and sustainable societies, and to promote the sustainability and recovery of the oceans.
Missions Mentoring
What is mentoring?
A process of accompanying the projects within the framework of the Euskampus Missions, which is articulated around five objectives:
- To involve the project teams in the definition of "Euskampus missions" that allow coordinating efforts and integrating the progress and expected impacts of each project in broader transformation processes.
- Raise awareness and provide knowledge and tools to introduce a social impact management methodology based on the Theory of Change in the approved projects.
- Provide spaces of opportunity for the promotion of research talent among students by applying the "Challenge Based Learning" CBL methodology.
- Co-create a scenario of missions linked to the great challenges of our society, coordinating efforts and collective responses involving all the project teams approved by the program and relevant stakeholders.
- Support the process by developing in parallel the Euskampus Digital community.