01/ Ecosystem
02/ Origin, Mission and Goals
Origin, Mission and Goals
of Bordeaux-Euskampus
The Bordeaux-Euskampus Euro-regional Campus of International Excellence was created in 2011 as a strategic alliance between the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the University of Bordeaux in the context of Euskampus and IdEx Bordeaux excellence initiatives.
Its main mission is to create a higher education, research and innovation space together with the strategic partners of both universities.
Education and Employability
To extend the academic offer from a professional perspective, making it more attractive internationally for students, encouraging mobility between the two universities and developing dual degrees, international master’s degrees, etc.
Research and Innovation
To set up a leading research space in Europe, promoting greater synergies in research and development structures and dynamics, driving Laboratories of Trans-Border Cooperation, co-tutored PhDs and post-PhD co-tutorships, research projects etc.
Commitment to the Territory
To strengthen smart specialisation strategies based on promoting regional innovation ecosystems and reinforcing cultural and linguistic links between regions.
International Reach
To increase the international reach of both universities and their joint participation in projects that contribute to strengthening the European-Atlantic Arc within the Europe 2020 Strategy, and developing knowledge innovation communities, European universities, etc.

03/ The Role of Euskampus
The Role of Euskampus
Since the launch of the project, Euskampus Fundazioa was intended to act as a catalyst for the institutional aggregation of its partners, and in particular of those leading the Euskampus-Bordeaux Campus. It was also intended as an operational instrument to manage and govern the Euskampus-Bordeaux Campus.
It is worth highlighting that the Euskampus-Bordeaux Campus is managed jointly by administration and service divisions of both Universities, the DIPC and Tecnalia. Expert teams from those institutions advise project leaders, teaching staff and/or researchers, students, etc. on creating dual degrees, designing proposals for calls and diverse collaboration agreements, among others.
The tasks carried out by the Euskampus Fundazioa team in terms of the deployment of the Euskampus-Bordeaux campus include stimulating diverse Euskampus-Bordeaux groups (students, teaching staff, researchers) in the fields of ‘Education, employability and entrepreneurship’, ‘Research and innovation’ and ‘Regional commitment’, through:
- organisation and assistance in meetings, conferences, workshops, seminars, etc.,
- monitoring and continuous accompaniment of the aforementioned groups in the three fields, design, and
- deployment of operational programmes in each field, etc.

EHU Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2024, 2 days summary REEL
10th anniversary of EHU Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna, held at Université de Bordeaux, Oct 2024. Encounter of UPV/EHU and Université de Bordeaux.