HOR KANPOAN / AHÍ FUERA / OUT THERE zinema eta zientzia zikloak esplorazio espaziala eta bizitza forma estralurtarrak izango ditu aztergai Donostia International Physics Center-ek (DIPC), Euskadiko Filmotegiak eta Azkuna Zentroak antolatuta. Zientzia fikzioaren izen klasikoen eta oraintsukoen hautaketa honen proiekzioetan parte hartuko dute prestigiodun zientzialari gonbidatuek Donostian eta Bilbon urtarrila eta martxoa bitartean. Kontsultatu egitarau orokorra.
Astrophysicist Kip Thorne, 2017 Physics Nobel Prize winner, said that his goal as a consultant to Interstellar (Christopher Nolan, 2014) was to make a lm that could stimulate youth interest in science. He was certainly successful at his job, and not just among the youth. The cinema cycle HOR KANPOAN/AHÍ FUERA/ OUT THERE, organized by the Basque Film Archive, Azkuna Zentroa and the Donostia International Physics Center, seeks to interest all spectators in both science and cinema. Both are creative disciplines that interpret reality, using the tools that are proper to each. Both are essential parts of our culture and have transformed our perception of the world. Cinema stimulates our imagination to the point of transporting us to the front lines of space adventure. Or even to the point of dreaming about some kind of extraterrestrial life, a subject of frequent debate in today's specialized scienti c community...Full program
HOR KANPOAN / AHÍ FUERA / OUT THERE es un ciclo de cine y ciencia organizado por el Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), la Filmoteca Vasca y Azkuna Zentroa entorno a la exploración espacial y formas de vida extraterrestre. La serie de proyecciones de títulos clásicos y recientes de la ciencia ficción contará con prestigiosos científicos invitados en Donostia/San Sebastián y Bilbao entre enero y marzo. Consulta el programa completo.