The 1985 Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Klaus von Klitzing, will give the talk entitled A New Kilogram in 2018: The Biggest Revolution in Metrology since the French Revolution at 19:00pm in Bizkaia Aretoa (Bilbao) on 28th September, within the framework of Passion For Knowledge 2016. Having obtained his doctorate from Braunschweig University in 1972, von Klitzing has built up a fruitful career in the world of science, working for Oxford University, the Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory and the IBM Research Laboratory in Yorktown Heights. In 1985, von Klitzing was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics thanks to the discovery of the quantum Hall effect, enabling the development of nano-electronic devices.
The talk will explain that Metrology- the science of measurements- is responsible for the international uniformity and precision in standards. Today, the seven units for meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela of our international system of units (SI units) are used as a basis to express everything in nature by numbers and units. The first global system of units was introduced during the French Revolution with prototypes for the meter and kilogram. Even today, an artefact of platinum iridium is by definition the international unit of mass but this standard is not stable enough. Therefore, the General Conference on Weights and Measures at his last meeting in November 2014 encouraged the international metrology community to complete all work until July 2017 necessary for a replacement of the current SI by a new system based on constants of nature. The quantum Hall effect (Nobel Prize 1985) plays a crucial role in this development, not only for the electrical units but also for the kilogram.
Klaus von Klitzing1985ean Fisikako Nobel sariduna izandakoak hitzaldi bat emango du arratsaldeko 19:00tan Bizkaia Aretoan (Bilbo) irailaren 28an, “Kilogramo berri bat 2018an: Metrologia arloko iraultza handiena Frantziako Iraultzaz geroztikâ€, Passion For Knowledge 2016 jaialdiaren barruan. Von Klitzingek doktoregoa lortu zuen Braunschweig-eko unibertsitatean 1972. urtean, eta ordutik ibilbide emankorra egin du zientziaren munduan: besteak beste, Oxfordeko Unibertsitatean, Grenobleko Goi Eremu Magnetikoen Laborategian eta Yorktown Heights-eko IBM Ikerketa Laborategian lan egina da. 1985ean, Von Klitzingek Fisikako Nobel saria lortu zuen Hall kuantikoaren efektua deskubritu eta gailu nanoelektronikoen garapenari bide emateagatik.
Hitzaldian Metrologia (neurrien zientzia) arduratzen dela neurrien nazioarteko uniformetasunaz eta doitasunaz azalduko da. Gaur egun, sistema internazionaleko (SI unitateak) zazpi unitateak (metroa, kilogramoa, segundoa, amperea, kelvina, mola eta kandela) erabiltzen dira izadian dagoen guztia zenbakiekin eta unitateekin adierazteko. Munduko lehen unitate sistema Frantziako Iraultzan sortu zen, metroarentzako eta kilogramoarentzako prototipoekin. Gaur egun ere, platino-iridio artefaktu bat da definizioz nazioarteko masa unitatea, nahiz eta estandar hori oso egonkorra ez den. Horregatik, Pisuen eta Neurrien Konferentzia Nagusiak, 2014ko azaroan egin zuen azken bilkuran, nazioarteko metrologia komunitateari eskatu zion izadiko konstanteetan oinarritutako sistema berri bat sortzea egungo SI sistema ordezteko, eta lan horiek 2017ko uztailerako amaitzeko. Hall kuantikoa efektuak (1985eko Nobel Saria) berebiziko garrantzia du garapen honetan, ez bakarrik unitate elektrikoentzat, baita kilogramoarentzat ere.